Services We Offer
Manual Therapy
Guided Exercise
Dry Needling
Living your best life
Women’s Health
Guided Exercise
Exercise is a key component for recovery for patients with a variety of musculoskeletal (bones, joints, ligaments tendons, muscles and nerves) for conditions including, but not limited to, low back pain, neck pain, muscle-tension headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain, elbow/wrist pain, foot/ankle pain arthritis and post-operative surgery. What sets Sparks Physical Therapy apart from other clinics is our exercises are very specifically tailored to your conditions, the amount of pain you are experiencing, your physical therapy goals and your overall exercise tolerance. We never use a standard set of exercises depending on the body part receiving treatment. All of our exercises are performed one-on-one by a licensed physical therapist and will be adjusted every session.
At Sparks Physical Therapy, we are very big into what we call “asterisk signs.” Asterisk signs are certain facts related to a person’s individual circumstances that provides valuable parameters for reassessment. Asterisk signs include clinical findings from your physical therapist, a specific activity that is important for you based on your work or recreational activities or another parameter regarding your condition. Common asterisk signs identified during your physical exam include range of motion, flexibility, strength or any movement that reproduces your exact pain. While these are important, the center-piece of our treatment is the specifics of the activities you wish to return to. This may be a sport, lifting your grandchild, going on a long walk or something completely different. Other parameters may include the amount of medication you need to take to reduce pain, amongst others.
We will often give you home-work exercises to perform between sessions to help accelerate your recovery.