by admin | Nov 12, 2023 | Ankle, Chronic Conditions, Elbow, Hand, Headache, Heel and Foot, Hip, Knee, Low Back, Neck, Pelvic Floor, Shoulder, Thoracic, TMD, Wrist
Home /Wrist How do we track your progress? Patient goals: We define patient-centered goals as what you hope to accomplish from physical therapy. While these are typically activity-specific goals, often patients report they just wish to experience less pain. When this...
by admin | Dec 20, 2021 | Heel and Foot
Home /Heel and Foot When is PT not appropriate for foot pain? In some cases, patients presenting with hip pain will be referred to a different provider. While this is rare, we want to be certain we, as physical therapists, are able to help. Some of the symptoms we...
by admin | Dec 19, 2021 | Heel and Foot
Home /Heel and Foot Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is extremely common in both the athletic and non-athletic populations. Anatomical features of plantar fasciitis include thickness of the fascia on the undersurface of the foot and altered compressive properties...
by admin | Dec 19, 2021 | Heel and Foot
Home /Heel and Foot Heel Fat Pad Syndrome Heel Fat Pad Syndrome is a condition that results from changes in elasticity and/or thickness of the heel fat pad. The heel fat pad is a structure overlying a bone in the heel of your foot and serves to cushion the heel during...
by admin | Dec 19, 2021 | Heel and Foot
Home /Heel and Foot Bunions Bunions, or medically referred to as Hallux Valgus, are a common deformity of the joint connecting the big toe to the foot. The big toe bends towards the other toes and becomes painful. This pain is typically worse with weight bearing...